Game Play
• The room will be divided into 2 teams and captains will be chosen.
• A multiple choice question will be read to the team that is currently up. the team will have 30 seconds to pick what they think is the correct answer.
• If they miss the question the other team will be given the same amount of time to take a shot at the question.
• If both teams miss the question it will be thrown out and it will be the other teams turn to answer first.
• If there is a correct answer given, whatever team gave it will be able to play their cards.
Card Play
• Each team will be useing their own deck of cards.
• The first of 5 cards will be flipped up.
• The team will then either proceed to play or they can change their card once.
• The team will be asked to choose weather the next card will be higher or lower than the base card. .
• If they are correct, they can either choose again weather the next card will be higher or lower than the new base card or freeze
• At anytime the team can choose to freeze in hopes that they will get another question correct and they can again change their base card.
• If a team either chooses incorrectly or the same card is flipped as the base card, the team busts and looses all accumulated points and must start from the beginning of the card chain.
• The other team is then given the opportunity to play their cards without changing the base card, or they can choose to pass and continue game play with another question.
• The round ends when a team successfully completes the 5 card chain.
• Each card that has successfully been flipped over is worth 1 point.
• If you bust in a round you lose all accumulated points in that round and must start over.
• The team to finish the chain will earn 10 points.
• The other team will earn the amount of points that they have banked.
• Game play finishes when either Four rounds have been played, or it is 9:30pm Eastern.
Card Sharks...Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the trivia pool