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Dragon Slayer Trivia
Last Updated September 2023

Dragon Slayer Trivia

Dragon Slayer Trivia is played with two opposing teams answering trivia questions for points and seeking the dragon for bonus points during the regular round and avoiding the dragon in the final bonus round.

Regular Round:

Before a turn is taken the dragon is hidden behind one of nine spots and the bonus is set to 50 points. A turn starts with a team being posed a random trivia question for 5 points. A 30 second timer is started. The team submits an answer. If the answer is incorrect, the opposing team gets a 30 second timer to give an answer. Whichever team guesses correctly they are awarded the 5 points and the team captain sends out a team member with the Slayer's Sword to slay the dragon for bonus points. If the slayer finds the dragon the team is awarded the bonus points, if the slayer doesn't find the dragon that selection is out of play and the bonus is reduced by 5 points. Gameplay alternates to the opposing team for the next question. Once the dragon is found the bonus is reset to 50 points and all 9 spots are available again.

Avoid the Dragon - Final Bonus Round:

In the final bonus round the dragon is hidden behind one of nine spots and the team that is behind goes first. Each time that the team selects a spot and avoids the dragon 50 points is added to the bonus. If the team finds the dragon on the first selection, you wake up from that bad dream and get only one restart. After each time of avoiding the dragon the team can choose to keep the points accumulated to that point or go on for another 50 points. If the dragon is revealed then the bonus points are lost. If the team is brave enough to accumulate 400 points they will double their bonus. After the first team is done the opposing team gets a chance to do the same. After both teams have had their chance at the bonus round the team with the highest score is declared the winner.