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Go Fish

Go Fish Game Rules:

To get started, you will need the RS Games client installed. TO get the RS Games client if you don't have it already, go to:

Playing Go Fish
The goal of the game is to collect all four cards of each rank E.G. four threes, four queens, etc. You do this by asking for cards from other players or drawing from the draw pile.

When the game starts, each player is dealt a number of cards dependent on the number of players. The remainder of the cards are placed in a draw pile.

When it's your turn, look at the cards in your hand, then use the menus to ask another player for a card you need. If they have it, they are required to pass it to you. If not, they say, "Go fish," and you draw a card from the draw pile.

If you received the card you asked for, either by getting it from another player or drawing from the pile, you get to take another turn. Otherwise, play passes to the next player.

If at any time you receive or draw a card which causes you to have all four cards of a certain rank in your hand, those cards form what is called a book. This book of four cards is then set aside, and those cards are no longer in play.

The game ends when the draw pile runs out of cards, whether or not all thirteen books (aces, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings) have been formed. The person who completed the most books wins.