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Wordle Game Play
This game is based on the popular New York Times game, Wordle. Players are split into 2 teams, each having a captain. The first team will try and guess the five letter word that the host is looking for. Here is an example: if team one guesses bread, the host will tell them that there is an a, d, e, & r in the word but none of the letters are in the correct position. With this information, Team one will guess again. If Team 1’s second guess is dates and the host replies that there is a d, a, and e but once again, none of the letters are in the correct position. The word will then go over to the other team. On the third try the team can ask for a clue. If they get a clue and they guess the word correctly, their points will be reduced by half. The teams alternately continue guessing words and the host lets them know what letters are showing in the correct position. The correct word in this example was ready.
If the team gets the word on the first guess which is virtually impossible, they score 15 points. Guesses two through six are worth ten, eight, six, four, and two points, respectively.
Hints can include but are not limited to: the word has two vowels the same or two consonants the same, or that the first or last letter is such & such. It should be lots of fun